Tower of Saviors Wiki
Tower of Saviors Wiki
Work in Progress
  • Arena Battle: Shows a list of 5 Arenas you can challenge. Also contains the option to refresh this list.
  • My Arena: The Arenas you have conquered. You can only have 3 arenas conquered at one time (this is raised to 4 arenas after reaching Grade 4). Going into each conquered arena will allow you to change that arena's Defense Team, with a cooldown period.
  • Monster Info: List of Monsters with special bonuses in that week, and a list of Monsters you are allowed to use in your Defense Team
  • Rewards: Collection point for last week's ranking rewards, an overview of this week's ranking rewards and the shop to redeem Prize Points
  • Settings: Shows statistics and the option to modify your default Defense Team.
  • Ranking: Ranking of each of the Arena's you are participate in, also shows rankings of previous Arena's you've participated in and the current global ranklist
  • Platinum: Your current Rank is displayed here. Selecting this option will show the 5 best scores and total score obtained today (only the 5 best scores of each day are added to your total arena score for ranking purposes).

See also the Arena Trials for additional information and the comprehensive A Full Guide and Explanation to the Arena (ToS Version 15.1 Update) Guide on the TOS Forum.

Arena Weekly Ranking Rewards[]

Score Rank All III II I
Diamond Gift-arena Diamond Gift-arena Diamond Gift-arena
<7,500 Bronze 50 100 150
7,500 Silver 1 200 1 220 1 240
17,500 Gold No 2 260 2 280 2 300
30,000 Platinum No 3 320 3 320 3 340
45,000 Diamond No 4 360 4 380 4 400
65,000 Warlord No 5 425 5 450 5 450
Score Rank All VI V IV III II I
Diamond Gift-arena Diamond Gift-arena Diamond Gift-arena Diamond Gift-arena Diamond Gift-arena Diamond Gift-arena
100,000 (top 10,000) Legend No No 3001+ 2501+ 2001+ 1501+ 1001+ 501+
5 450 6 650 6 700 8 750 8 800 8 850
100,000 (top 500) King No No 251+ 101+ 25+ 11+ 2+ 1
10 900 10 950 20 1,000 20 1,500 30 2,000 50 3,000

Arena Level Rewards[]

Level Exp to
next level
1 5
2 11 Coin x100,000 Coins
3 20 280i 281i 282i 283i 284i x1
4 32 Gift-friendpoint x2,000 Friend Points
5 48 Stamina x1 Stamina Refill
6 66 No x5
7 88 Soul x500 Souls
8 113 No x1
9 142 No x1
10 N/A Diamond x5 +

NoLv.1CD: 5

Arena Scoring[]

Category Base Score Conditions
Remaining Battle Points 1450 Increases when boosted monsters are used (+145 for 10%, +72.5 for 5%)

Decreases when skills are used during battle (10x the CD or EP cost of the skill used; Switching skills do not cost points)
Maximum of 2320.

Rounds 2300 Baseline at 5 Rounds

-100 points for each additional Round used
Rounds are counted when any Runestone movement is made, regardless of whether Runestones were dissolved.

Time Baseline at 2:00

-25 points for every 12 seconds more
+1 point for every second less

Max Damage Only counts the final Wave

Baseline at 20,000,000
-25 points for every 1,000,000 damage less
+1 point for every 1,000,000 damage more, to a limit of +80 points at 100,000,000 damage

Highest Combos Baseline at 25 Combos

-10 points for every combo less

  1. The Arena is a place for heroes to compete with each other. The Summoner with the highest Score in an Arena challenge will become the new Conqueror of that Arena.
  2. The results of an Arena Stage will be calculated based on remaining Battle Points, Rounds, Max Combos, Max Damage, and Time. To win or to lose, Battle Point is the question: you will be defeated when they are used up. You will have 1000 basic Battle Points. Battle Points will be deducted when Active Skills are activiated or Summoner's HP becomes 0
  3. In an Arena Stage, Active Skills can be activated at any time (the same Skill of the same Monster can only be activated once each Round.) Upon Skill activation, Battle Points will be deducted according to the Monster's Skill CD. Summoner will be defeated when Battle Points are deducted to 0.
  4. In an Arena Stage, 30% of total Battle Points will be deducted when Summoner's HP becomes 0. Summoner will be defeated when Battle Points are deducted to 0.
  5. Summoner has 5 points of Vigor each day, which can be used in Arena challenge. Go strive for the honor as a Conqueror, a higher Class and a higher Ranking!
  6. Prize Points can be obtained in every Arena challenge. When an Arena is destroyed, the top 40 Summoners with the highest Scores will be rewarded with extra Prize Points.
  7. Prize Points can be used to redeem various prizes including Harpy, Madhead, Arena's limited Monsters. Prize Points can be obtained through Arena challenges, successful conquests, or great performance in a challenge, etc.
  8. The Arena Mode is concluded every Monday at 12:00 noon. Summoners can get Rewards corresponding to their Classes and Rankings by that time, including treasures like Diamonds, Prize Points, Harpy and Baby Harpy.
  9. Arena Class is divided into Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Warlord, Legend and King. Only the top 10000 Summoners can ascend to the Class of Legend and King!
  10. Summoner's best 5 Scores of the day are used to calculate Arena Class and Ranking.
  11. Summoner will be rewarded with Prize Points during the time of being the Conqueror of an Arena. The longer the period, the more the Prize Points rewarded.
  12. Each Summoner can be the Conqueror of at most 3 Arenas at the same time.
  13. By tapping "Monsters' Details" in the main page of the Arena Mode, you can check the available Defense Monsters and their Defense Skills.
  14. Arena Conqueror can set a personal Team for Defense. By tapping "Monsters' Details" in the main page of the Arena Mode, you can check the available Defense Monsters and their Defense Skills.
  15. In the Arena Mode, after the weekly conclusion, Summoner's Arena Level will be reset to the lowest Level of last week's Class. If Summoner is in the lowest level of last week's Class, it will be downgraded to the lowest Level of one lower Class (bottom out at Bronze III).
  16. To ensure the fairness of the Arena Mode: All Monsters have a unified HP, Attack and Recovery. The higher the Monster's Level, the higher the Monster's HP, Attack and Recovery. Moreover, Monsters of "Sealed Lords" are prohibited.
  17. Arena Conquerors can set a personal Team for Defense (only one Monster can be selected in each Series).
  18. Each Arena will exist for 12 hours. If an Arena is not cleared within 12 hours, it will be concluded automatically and the Summoner with the highest Score in this Arena will be the Conqueror of this Arena.

Arena Defense Skills[]

The following is a list of available defense skills. Arena Conquerors can set a personal team for defense (only one Monster can be selected in each category of Defense Skills).

Rank: 1 - Bronze, 2 - Silver, 3 - Gold, 4 - Platinum, 5 - Diamond, 6 - Warlord, 7 - Legend, 8 - King

Category 1
ID Defense Skill Rank Monsters
1069 SI336 Water Lock - Team Attack -10% 3, 4 212i 636i 641i 987i 1057i 1102i 1137i 1311i 1336i 1351i 1375i 1380i 1381i 1417i 1432i 1437i 1955i 1960i 2481i 2566i
1070 SI337 Fire Lock - Team Attack -10% 3, 4 214i 637i 642i 989i 1059i 1104i 1139i 1312i 1337i 1352i 1376i 1382i 1383i 1419i 1427i 1433i 1956i 2482i 2486i 2567i
1071 SI338 Earth Lock - Team Attack -10% 3, 4 216i 638i 643i 991i 1061i 1106i 1141i 1313i 1338i 1353i 1377i 1384i 1385i 1421i 1429i 1434i 1957i 2483i 2487i 2568i 2571i
1072 SI339 Light Lock - Team Attack -10% 3, 4 218i 639i 644i 993i 1063i 1108i 1143i 1314i 1339i 1354i 1378i 1386i 1387i 1423i 1435i 1958i 1961i 2484i 2569i 2572i
1073 SI340 Dark Lock - Team Attack -10% 3, 4 220i 640i 645i 995i 1065i 1110i 1145i 1315i 1340i 1355i 1379i 1388i 1389i 1425i 1431i 1436i 1959i 1962i 2485i 2488i 2570i 2573i
1075 SI336 Water Lock - Team Attack -20% 5, 6, 7, 8 1137i 1375i 1417i 1432i 1437i 2481i
1076 SI337 Fire Lock - Team Attack -20% 5, 6, 7, 8 1139i 1376i 1419i 1427i 1433i 2482i 2486i
1077 SI338 Earth Lock - Team Attack -20% 5, 6, 7, 8 1141i 1377i 1421i 1429i 1434i 2483i 2487i
1078 SI339 Light Lock - Team Attack -20% 5, 6, 7, 8 1143i 1378i 1423i 1435i 2484i
1079 SI340 Dark Lock - Team Attack -20% 5, 6, 7, 8 1145i 1379i 1425i 1431i 1436i 2485i 2488i
1349 SI341SI336 Heart & Water Lock - Team Attack -10% 5, 6 212i 636i 641i 987i 1057i 1102i 1311i 1336i 1351i 1380i 1381i 1955i 1960i 2566i
1350 SI341SI337 Heart & Fire Lock - Team Attack -10% 5, 6 214i 637i 642i 989i 1059i 1104i 1312i 1337i 1352i 1382i 1383i 1956i 2567i
1351 SI341SI338 Heart & Earth Lock - Team Attack -10% 5, 6 216i 638i 643i 991i 1061i 1106i 1313i 1338i 1353i 1384i 1385i 1957i 2568i 2571i
1352 SI341SI339 Heart & Light Lock - Team Attack -10% 5, 6 218i 639i 644i 993i 1063i 1108i 1314i 1339i 1354i 1386i 1387i 1958i 1961i 2569i 2572i
1353 SI341SI340 Heart & Dark Lock - Team Attack -10% 5, 6 220i 640i 645i 995i 1065i 1110i 1315i 1340i 1355i 1388i 1389i 1959i 1962i 2570i 2573i
1354 SI341SI336 Heart & Water Lock - Team Attack -20% 7, 8 212i 636i 641i 987i 1057i 1102i 1311i 1336i 1351i 1380i 1381i 1955i 1960i 2566i
1355 SI341SI337 Heart & Fire Lock - Team Attack -20% 7, 8 214i 637i 642i 989i 1059i 1104i 1312i 1337i 1352i 1382i 1383i 1956i 2567i
1356 SI341SI338 Heart & Earth Lock - Team Attack -20% 7, 8 216i 638i 643i 991i 1061i 1106i 1313i 1338i 1353i 1384i 1385i 1957i 2568i 2571i
1357 SI341SI339 Heart & Light Lock - Team Attack -20% 7, 8 218i 639i 644i 993i 1063i 1108i 1314i 1339i 1354i 1386i 1387i 1958i 1961i 2569i 2572i
1358 SI341SI340 Heart & Dark Lock - Team Attack -20% 7, 8 220i 640i 645i 995i 1065i 1110i 1315i 1340i 1355i 1388i 1389i 1959i 1962i 2570i 2573i
Category 2
ID Defense Skill Rank Monsters
116 SI103 5+ Combo Shield 1, 2 024i 028i 032i 036i 040i 178i 181i 184i 187i 190i 192i 194i 196i 198i 200i 511i 512i 513i 514i 515i 851i 852i 853i 854i 855i 941i 942i 943i 944i 945i 1356i 1357i 1358i 1359i 1360i 1361i 1362i 1363i 1364i 1365i 1831i 1832i 1833i 1834i 1835i 1991i 1992i 1993i 1994i 1995i 2296i 2297i 2298i 2361i 2362i 2363i 2364i 2365i 2366i 2431i 2432i 2433i 2434i 2435i
117 SI104 6+ Combo Shield 3, 4 024i 028i 032i 036i 040i 178i 181i 184i 187i 190i 192i 194i 196i 198i 200i 511i 512i 513i 514i 515i 851i 852i 853i 854i 855i 941i 942i 943i 944i 945i 1356i 1357i 1358i 1359i 1360i 1361i 1362i 1363i 1364i 1365i 1831i 1832i 1833i 1834i 1835i 1991i 1992i 1993i 1994i 1995i 2296i 2297i 2298i 2361i 2362i 2363i 2364i 2365i 2366i 2431i 2432i 2433i 2434i 2435i
278 SI105 7+ Combo Shield 5 024i 028i 032i 036i 040i 178i 181i 184i 187i 190i 192i 194i 196i 198i 200i 511i 512i 513i 514i 515i 851i 852i 853i 854i 855i 941i 942i 943i 944i 945i 1356i 1357i 1358i 1359i 1360i 1361i 1362i 1363i 1364i 1365i 1831i 1832i 1833i 1834i 1835i 1991i 1992i 1993i 1994i 1995i 2296i 2297i 2298i 2361i 2362i 2363i 2364i 2365i 2366i 2431i 2432i 2433i 2434i 2435i
279 SI105 ≥7 Combo Shield 5 1571i 1572i 1573i 1574i 1575i 1576i 1577i 1578i 1579i 1580i 1581i 1582i 1583i 1584i 1585i 1590i 1591i 1666i 1667i 1668i 1669i 1670i 2505i 2506i 2508i 2711i 2712i 2715i
281 SI106 8+ Combo Shield EX 6 024i 028i 032i 036i 040i 178i 181i 184i 187i 190i 192i 194i 196i 198i 200i 511i 512i 513i 514i 515i 851i 852i 853i 854i 855i 941i 942i 943i 944i 945i 1356i 1357i 1358i 1359i 1360i 1361i 1362i 1363i 1364i 1365i 1571i 1572i 1573i 1574i 1575i 1576i 1577i 1578i 1579i 1580i 1581i 1582i 1583i 1584i 1585i 1590i 1591i 1666i 1667i 1668i 1669i 1670i 1831i 1832i 1833i 1834i 1835i 1991i 1992i 1993i 1994i 1995i 2296i 2297i 2298i 2361i 2362i 2363i 2364i 2365i 2366i 2431i 2432i 2433i 2434i 2435i 2505i 2506i 2508i 2711i 2712i 2715i
7, 8 024i 028i 032i 036i 040i 178i 181i 184i 187i 190i 192i 194i 196i 198i 200i 511i 512i 513i 514i 515i 851i 852i 853i 854i 855i 941i 942i 943i 944i 945i 1356i 1357i 1358i 1359i 1360i 1361i 1362i 1363i 1364i 1365i 1831i 1832i 1833i 1834i 1835i 1991i 1992i 1993i 1994i 1995i 2296i 2297i 2298i 2361i 2362i 2363i 2364i 2365i 2366i 2431i 2432i 2433i 2434i 2435i
302 SI094 Fixed 4-Combo Shield 2 1231i 1232i 1233i 1234i 1235i 1759i 1760i 1762i 1764i 1766i 1768i 1769i 1770i 1772i 1774i 1922i 1924i 1926i 1928i 1930i 1932i 1934i 1936i 2281i 2282i 2283i 2284i 2285i 2286i 2287i 2288i 2289i 2468i 2469i 2516i 2518i 2519i 2520i 2521i 2522i 2523i 2524i 2536i 2538i 2683i 2695i 2696i 10036i 10037i 10038i 10039i 10040i 10041i 10042i 10043i 10044i 10045i
303 SI095 Fixed 5-Combo Shield 3 1231i 1232i 1233i 1234i 1235i 1759i 1760i 1762i 1764i 1766i 1768i 1769i 1770i 1772i 1774i 1922i 1924i 1926i 1928i 1930i 1932i 1934i 1936i 2281i 2282i 2283i 2284i 2285i 2286i 2287i 2288i 2289i 2468i 2469i 2516i 2518i 2519i 2520i 2521i 2522i 2523i 2524i 2536i 2538i 2683i 2695i 2696i 10036i 10037i 10038i 10039i 10040i 10041i 10042i 10043i 10044i 10045i
4 1001i 1002i 1003i 1004i 1005i 1231i 1232i 1233i 1234i 1235i 1759i 1760i 1762i 1764i 1766i 1768i 1769i 1770i 1772i 1774i 1922i 1924i 1926i 1928i 1930i 1932i 1934i 1936i 2281i 2282i 2283i 2284i 2285i 2286i 2287i 2288i 2289i 2465i 2466i 2467i 2468i 2469i 2516i 2518i 2519i 2520i 2521i 2522i 2523i 2524i 2536i 2538i 2636i 2637i 2638i 2639i 2640i 2641i 2642i 2643i 2683i 2684i 2685i 2695i 2696i 10036i 10037i 10038i 10039i 10040i 10041i 10042i 10043i 10044i 10045i
5 1001i 1002i 1003i 1004i 1005i 2465i 2466i 2467i 2636i 2637i 2638i 2639i 2640i 2641i 2642i 2643i 2684i 2685i
304 SI096 Fixed 6-Combo Shield 5 1231i 1232i 1233i 1234i 1235i 1759i 1760i 1762i 1764i 1766i 1768i 1769i 1770i 1772i 1774i 1922i 1924i 1926i 1928i 1930i 1932i 1934i 1936i 2281i 2282i 2283i 2284i 2285i 2286i 2287i 2288i 2289i 2468i 2469i 2516i 2518i 2519i 2520i 2521i 2522i 2523i 2524i 2536i 2538i 2683i 2695i 2696i 10036i 10037i 10038i 10039i 10040i 10041i 10042i 10043i 10044i 10045i
6 1001i 1002i 1003i 1004i 1005i 1231i 1232i 1233i 1234i 1235i 1759i 1760i 1762i 1764i 1766i 1768i 1769i 1770i 1772i 1774i 1922i 1924i 1926i 1928i 1930i 1932i 1934i 1936i 2281i 2282i 2283i 2284i 2285i 2286i 2287i 2288i 2289i 2465i 2466i 2467i 2468i 2469i 2516i 2518i 2519i 2520i 2521i 2522i 2523i 2524i 2536i 2538i 2636i 2637i 2638i 2639i 2640i 2641i 2642i 2643i 2683i 2684i 2685i 2695i 2696i 10036i 10037i 10038i 10039i 10040i 10041i 10042i 10043i 10044i 10045i
7, 8 1001i 1002i 1003i 1004i 1005i 2465i 2466i 2467i 2636i 2637i 2638i 2639i 2640i 2641i 2642i 2643i 2684i 2685i
632 SI103 5 Rounds, 5+ Combo Shield - Attack & Recovery 1, 2, 3 1222i 1224i 1226i 1228i 1230i 1390i 1391i 1392i 1393i 1394i 1701i 1702i 1703i 1704i 1705i 1706i 1707i 1708i
633 SI104 5 Rounds, 6+ Combo Shield - Attack & Recovery 4, 5 1222i 1224i 1226i 1228i 1230i 1390i 1391i 1392i 1393i 1394i 1701i 1702i 1703i 1704i 1705i 1706i 1707i 1708i
634 SI105 5 Rounds, 7+ Combo Shield - Attack & Recovery 6, 7, 8 1222i 1224i 1226i 1228i 1230i 1390i 1391i 1392i 1393i 1394i 1701i 1702i 1703i 1704i 1705i 1706i 1707i 1708i
817 SI103 5+ Combo Shield EX 1, 2 1571i 1572i 1573i 1574i 1575i 1576i 1577i 1578i 1579i 1580i 1581i 1582i 1583i 1584i 1585i 1590i 1591i 1666i 1667i 1668i 1669i 1670i 2505i 2506i 2508i 2711i 2712i 2715i
818 SI104 6+ Combo Shield EX 3, 4 1571i 1572i 1573i 1574i 1575i 1576i 1577i 1578i 1579i 1580i 1581i 1582i 1583i 1584i 1585i 1590i 1591i 1666i 1667i 1668i 1669i 1670i 2505i 2506i 2508i 2711i 2712i 2715i
819 SI107 9+ Combo Shield EX 7, 8 1571i 1572i 1573i 1574i 1575i 1576i 1577i 1578i 1579i 1580i 1581i 1582i 1583i 1584i 1585i 1590i 1591i 1666i 1667i 1668i 1669i 1670i 2505i 2506i 2508i 2711i 2712i 2715i
1283 SI087 Fixed 7-Combo Shield 7, 8 1231i 1232i 1233i 1234i 1235i 1759i 1760i 1762i 1764i 1766i 1768i 1769i 1770i 1772i 1774i 1922i 1924i 1926i 1928i 1930i 1932i 1934i 1936i 2281i 2282i 2283i 2284i 2285i 2286i 2287i 2288i 2289i 2468i 2469i 2516i 2518i 2519i 2520i 2521i 2522i 2523i 2524i 2536i 2538i 2683i 2695i 2696i 10036i 10037i 10038i 10039i 10040i 10041i 10042i 10043i 10044i 10045i
Category 3
ID Defense Skill Rank Monsters
871 SI215 Monochrome Trail 3, 4, 5 1166i 1168i 1170i 1172i 1174i 1498i 1499i 1736i 1737i 2041i 2043i 2045i 2047i 2049i 2161i 2232i 2233i 2234i 2644i 2645i 2646i 2647i 2648i 2649i 2650i 2713i 2714i 2716i
872 SI215 B&W Path 6 1166i 1168i 1170i 1172i 1174i 1498i 1499i 1736i 1737i 2041i 2043i 2045i 2047i 2049i 2161i 2232i 2233i 2234i 2644i 2645i 2646i 2647i 2648i 2649i 2650i 2713i 2714i 2716i
1741 SI226SI183 Monochrome Runes · Green to Red Vortex - Attack & Recovery 7, 8 1166i 1168i 1170i 1172i 1174i 1498i 1499i 1736i 1737i 2041i 2043i 2045i 2047i 2049i 2161i 2232i 2233i 2234i 2644i 2645i 2646i 2647i 2648i 2649i 2650i 2713i 2714i 2716i
Category 4
ID Defense Skill Rank Monsters
185 SI221 1 Weathered Rune 1 296i 299i 302i 305i 308i 356i 358i 360i 362i 364i 366i 374i 376i 378i 816i 817i 818i 819i 820i 821i 825i 826i 827i 1341i 1342i 1343i 1344i 1345i 1495i 1496i 1497i 1742i 2561i 2562i 2563i 2564i 2565i 2631i 2632i
2 356i 358i 360i 362i 364i 366i 374i 376i 378i 816i 817i 818i 819i 820i 821i 825i 826i 827i 1341i 1342i 1343i 1344i 1345i 1495i 1496i 1497i 1742i 2561i 2562i 2563i 2564i 2565i 2631i 2632i
189 SI221 1 Weathered 3k Mine 2 296i 299i 302i 305i 308i
3 296i 299i 302i 305i 308i 356i 358i 360i 362i 364i 366i 374i 376i 378i 816i 817i 818i 819i 820i 821i 825i 826i 827i 1341i 1342i 1343i 1344i 1345i 1495i 1496i 1497i 1742i 2561i 2562i 2563i 2564i 2565i 2631i 2632i
4 296i 299i 302i 305i 308i 356i 358i 360i 362i 364i 366i 816i 817i 818i 819i 820i 821i
707 SI123SI121SI221 Neutralize EX ‧ 2 Weathered 3k Mines 5, 6 296i 299i 302i 305i 308i
1317 SI221 6 Weathered Runes 7, 8 296i 299i 302i 305i 308i
1689 SI221 1 Weathered 6k Mine 4 374i 376i 378i 825i 826i 827i 1341i 1342i 1343i 1344i 1345i 1495i 1496i 1497i 1742i 2561i 2562i 2563i 2564i 2565i 2631i 2632i
1694 SI221 2 Weathered 9k Mines 5 374i 376i 378i 825i 826i 827i 1341i 1342i 1343i 1344i 1345i 1495i 1496i 1497i 1742i 2561i 2562i 2563i 2564i 2565i 2631i 2632i
1695 SI221 2 Weathered 12k Mines 6 374i 376i 378i 825i 826i 827i 1341i 1342i 1343i 1344i 1345i 1495i 1496i 1497i 1742i 2561i 2562i 2563i 2564i 2565i 2631i 2632i
1701 SI221 1 Weathered 6k Mine 5 356i 358i 360i 362i 364i 366i 816i 817i 818i 819i 820i 821i
1705 SI221 2 Weathered 6k Mines 6 356i 358i 360i 362i 364i 366i 816i 817i 818i 819i 820i 821i
1709 SI221 3 Weathered 6k Mines 7, 8 356i 358i 360i 362i 364i 366i 816i 817i 818i 819i 820i 821i
1712 SI221 3 Weathered 15k Mines 7, 8 374i 376i 378i 825i 826i 827i 1341i 1342i 1343i 1344i 1345i 1495i 1496i 1497i 1742i 2561i 2562i 2563i 2564i 2565i 2631i 2632i
Category 5
ID Defense Skill Rank Monsters
187 SI221 1 Weathered 3k Mine - Moving 3 368i 370i 372i 822i 823i 824i 2373i 2651i 2652i 10097i
204 SI221 1 Weathered Rune - Moving 1, 2 368i 370i 372i 696i 697i 698i 699i 700i 822i 823i 824i 2373i 2651i 2652i 10097i
3 696i 697i 698i 699i 700i
1320 SI221 2 Weathered Runes - Moving 4, 5, 6 696i 697i 698i 699i 700i
1321 SI221 3 Weathered Runes - Moving 7, 8 696i 697i 698i 699i 700i
1713 SI221 1 Weathered 6k Mine - Moving 4 368i 370i 372i 822i 823i 824i 2373i 2651i 2652i 10097i
1714 SI221 1 Weathered 9k Mine - Moving 5 368i 370i 372i 822i 823i 824i 2373i 2651i 2652i 10097i
1715 SI221 1 Weathered 12k Mine - Moving 6 368i 370i 372i 822i 823i 824i 2373i 2651i 2652i 10097i
1716 SI221 1 Weathered 15k Mine - Moving 7, 8 368i 370i 372i 822i 823i 824i 2373i 2651i 2652i 10097i
Category 6
ID Defense Skill Rank Monsters
513 SI228 Sticky 3, 4 043i 046i 049i 052i 055i 1316i 1317i 1318i 1319i 1320i 2140i 2141i 2142i 2143i
514 SI228 Dual Sticky 5, 6 043i 046i 049i 052i 055i 1316i 1317i 1318i 1319i 1320i 2140i 2141i 2142i 2143i
515 SI229 Burn - 10% 3, 4 232i 234i 236i 238i 240i 2144i 2145i 2146i 2160i
1533 SI228 Sticky Water 7, 8 043i 1316i
1534 SI228 Sticky Fire 7, 8 046i 1317i 2141i
1535 SI228 Sticky Earth 7, 8 049i 1318i 2140i
1536 SI228 Sticky Light 7, 8 052i 1319i 2142i 2143i
1537 SI228 Sticky Dark 7, 8 055i 1320i
1539 SI229 Burned Water - 10% 5, 6 232i 2145i
1540 SI229 Burned Fire - 10% 5, 6 234i 2144i
1541 SI229 Burned Earth - 10% 5, 6 236i 2160i
1542 SI229 Burned Light - 10% 5, 6 238i
1543 SI229 Burned Dark - 10% 5, 6 240i 2146i
1545 SI229 Burned Water - 20% 7, 8 232i 2145i
1546 SI229 Burned Fire - 20% 7, 8 234i 2144i
1547 SI229 Burned Earth - 20% 7, 8 236i 2160i
1548 SI229