Tower of Saviors Wiki
Tower of Saviors Wiki

This page contains a table that lists all floors from currently available stages and its card drops.

  • Click on the monster icons below to filter the table for specific drops.
  • Zone name can be seen by hovering the mouse over its ID

Series Monster(s)
Gnomes 056i058i060i062i064i
Elves 066i068i070i072i074i
Lizard Warriors 076i078i080i082i084i
Little Witches 086i088i090i092i094i
Slimes 096i098i100i102i104i
Werewolves 106i108i110i112i114i
Series Monster(s)
Greek Statues 319i321i323i325i327i
Pawns 486i487i488i489i490i
Guardians of Heaven 831i833i835i837i839i
Demonic Mini Dragons 1111i1113i1115i1117i1119i
Nymphs 1146i1148i1150i1152i1154i
Rare drops
Protagonists 001i005i009i013i017i
Chinese Mythological Beasts 021i025i029i033i037i
Defensive Dragons 041i044i047i050i053i
The Norns 116i119i122i125i128i
Paladins 131i134i137i140i143i

Series Monster(s)
Golems 146i149i152i155i158i
Metallic Beasts 161i164i167i170i173i
Greek Daemons 403i404i405i406i407i
Celestial Devotees 521i523i525i527i529i
Adherents of Heresies 546i547i548i549i550i
Fortress Troop 646i647i648i649i650i
Cyborgs' Companion 651i652i653i654i655i
Hyakki Yagyō - Jinx 691i692i693i694i695i
Series Monster(s)
Tin Toys Troops 871i872i873i874i875i
Missionaries 966i968i970i972i974i
Demon Imbeciles 1006i1008i1010i1012i1014i
Imperial Soldiers 1271i1272i1273i1274i1275i
Nameless Soldiers 1441i1442i1443i1444i1445i
Puppet Weaklings 1501i1502i1503i1504i1505i
Street Rogues 1566i1567i1568i1569i1570i

Series Monster(s)
Evolution Materials 261i262i263i264i265i266i267i268i269i385i386i387i1660i
Spirits 241i242i243i244i245i246i247i248i249i250i
Soulstones 270i271i272i273i274i275i276i277i278i279i
PR/VR/SR Materials 429i430i502i503i504i505i1494i675i1999i
Astralists 379i380i381i382i383i384i
Materials 1709i1777i2077i2078i2128i2242i2328i
Miscellaneous 292i576i577i578i541i736i1076i

Series Monster(s)
Gnomes of Heroic Spirits 1526i1527i1528i1529i1530i
Witches of Heroic Spirits 1531i1532i1533i1534i1535i
Iron Missionaries 1592i1593i1594i1595i1596i
Series Monster(s)
Mechbots 1859i1860i1861i1862i1863i
Tunestones 8046i8047i8048i8049i8050i

Zone Boss Floor Stamina Battle Drops
1 066i The Frozen Spring 3 3 021iRare056i066i096i241i270i
1 106i Wolves' Cave of Water 3 3 021iRare056i096i106i241i270i
1 086i The Spring Tower 5 5 021iRare056i086i096i241i270i
1 131i Ranger on the Silver Lake 5 5 021iRare056i066i076i131iRare246i270i
1 116i Ruins of the Past 5 5 021iRare056i066i076i116iRare246i270i
1 041i Emergence of Aquatic Dragon 7 7 021iRare041iRare056i066i076i246i270i
1 057i The Chant of Sirens 7 6 021iRare056i066i106i251i275i
1 077i The Frozen Blade 7 6 021iRare066i076i106i251i275i
1 067i Trail of the Elves 10 8 021iRare066i106i251i275i
1 132i Guardian of Water 9 7 021iRare057i067i077i089i131iRare256i275i
1 117i Rewriting History 9 7 021iRare057i067i077i089i116iRare256i275i
1 042i Roar of the Sea Dragon 12 10 021iRare041iRare057i067i077i089i256i275i
1 133i Splashes over the Ridge 11 7 067i077i087i089i107i109i131iRare275i
1 118i Motivator of Destiny 11 7 067i077i087i089i107i109i116iRare275i
1 043i Gluttonous Dragon King 14 10 021iRare041iRare067i077i087i089i107i109i275i
1 334i Voice in the Briny Wind 12 7 001iRare067i077i079i087i107i109i280i097i
1 339i War on the Glacial Valley 12 7 001iRare077i079i087i107i109i280i097i067i
1 148i Shadow Under the Ice 12 7 001iRare077i079i087i107i109i280i097i067i
1 178i The Call of Cthulhu 12 7 001iRare077i079i087i107i109i280i097i067i
1 201i Luxurious Cruise of the Gods 17 10 001iRare077i079i087i107i109i280i097i067i
1 133i To the Way of Dancing Water 25 7 057i087i107i131iRare097i067i077i
1 024i Sacred Dragon from the Mist 25 7 021iRare057i087i107i097i067i077i
1 212i Tears from the Goddess of Rain 30 10 057i087i107i097i067i077i109i
2 068i The Bloody Desert 3 3 025iRare058i068i098i242i271i
2 108i Wolves' Cave of Fire 3 3 025iRare058i098i108i242i271i
2 088i The Ruby Tower 5 5 025iRare058i088i098i242i271i
2 134i Challenge of the Blazing Ranger 5 5 025iRare058i068i078i134iRare247i271i
2 119i Ruler of Destiny 5 5 025iRare058i068i078i119iRare247i271i
2 044i Lava Challenge 7 7 025iRare044iRare058i068i078i247i271i
2 059i The Bloodstained Volcano 7 6 025iRare058i068i108i252i276i
2 079i The Flaring Blade 7 6 025iRare068i078i108i252i276i
2 069i The Bloodred Stage 10 8 025iRare068i108i252i276i
2 135i The Arrogant Axeman 9 7 025iRare059i069i079i091i134iRare257i276i
2 120i Prestige of the Executor 9 7 025iRare059i069i079i091i119iRare257i276i
2 045i Vanished Dragon 12 10 025iRare044iRare059i069i079i091i257i276i
2 136i Gyration of Blazing Spirits 11 7 069i079i089i091i109i111i134iRare276i
2 121i Determiner of Fate 11 7 069i079i089i091i109i111i119iRare276i
2 046i Dragon in Purgatory 14 10 025iRare044iRare069i079i089i091i109i111i276i
2 335i The Chief of Hills and Rocks 12 7 005iRare069i079i081i089i109i111i281i099i
2 340i Flame of Assault 12 7 005iRare079i081i089i109i111i281i099i069i
2 151i The Civilization in Flame 12 7 005iRare079i081i089i109i111i281i099i069i
2 181i Watchdog of the Hell 12 7 005iRare079i081i089i109i111i281i099i069i
2 203i The One-armed Judge 17 10 005iRare079i081i089i109i111i281i099i069i
2 136i Seal of the Fiery Dance 25 7 059i089i109i134iRare099i069i079i
2 028i Fiery Vermillion Bird 25 7 025iRare059i089i109i099i069i079i
2 214i The Warlike Dragon Lord 30 10 059i089i108i109i099i069i079i061i
3 070i The Emerald Creature 3 3 029iRare060i070i100i243i272i
3 110i Woods of Wolves 3 3 029iRare060i100i110i243i272i
3 090i The Rocky Tower 5 5 029iRare060i090i100i243i272i
3 137i Ranger on the Wilderness 5 5 029iRare060i070i080i137iRare248i272i
3 122i Truth behind the Presage 5 5 029iRare060i070i080i122iRare248i272i
3 047i Lair of the Green Dragon 7 7 029iRare047iRare060i070i080i248i272i
3 061i Edge of the Ridge 7 6 029iRare060i070i110i253i277i
3 081i Poisonous Blade 7 6 029iRare070i080i110i253i277i
3 071i Dreamy Symphony 10 8 029iRare070i110i253i277i
3 138i Sharpshooter in the Lethal Swamp 9 7 029iRare061i071i081i087i137iRare258i277i
3 123i The Cursed Creature 9 7 029iRare061i071i081i087i122iRare258i277i
3 048i Armorode's Fang 12 10 029iRare047iRare061i071i081i087i258i277i
3 139i Zephyr at Dawn 11 7 071i081i087i091i107i111i137iRare277i
3 124i Arrival of the Goddess of Fortune 11 7 071i081i087i091i107i111i122iRare277i
3 049i The Armed Warrior 14 10 029iRare047iRare071i081i087i091i107i111i277i
3 336i The Floral Noble 12 7 009iRare071i077i081i091i107i111i282i101i
3 341i Fangs in the Jungle 12 7 009iRare077i081i091i107i111i282i101i071i
3 154i The Quiet Metallic Beast 12 7 009iRare077i081i091i107i111i282i101i071i
3 184i The Temple of Venoms 12 7 009iRare077i081i091i107i111i282i101i071i
3 205i The Owner of the Gold Necklace 17 10 009iRare077i081i091i107i111i282i101i071i
3 139i Carried by the Wind 25 7 061i091i111i137iRare101i071i081i
3 032i The Sky Gazed by Sacred Beasts 25 7 029iRare061i091i111i101i071i081i
3 216i The Guardian of the Earth 30 10 061i091i111i101i071i081i059i109i
4 072i The Shrine of Light 3 3 033iRare062i072i102i244i273i
4 112i Cry of the Wolf 3 3 033iRare062i102i112i244i273i
4 102i The Starlight Tower 5 5 033iRare062i092i102i244i273i
4 140i Ranger of the Spring of Life 5 5 033iRare062i072i082i140iRare249i273i
4 125i The Healer's Sentry Box 5 5 033iRare062i072i082i125iRare249i273i
4 050i The Dragon Vanguard 7 7 033iRare050iRare062i072i082i249i273i
4 063i Summoning the Light Gnome 7 6 033iRare062i072i112i254i278i
4 083i The Golden Blade 7 6 033iRare072i082i112i254i278i
4 073i Bouncing Lights 10 8 033iRare072i112i254i278i
4 141i Rally of Sacred Paladins 9 7 033iRare063i073i083i095i140iRare259i278i
4 126i Apple Orchard's Owner 9 7 033iRare063i073i083i095i125iRare259i278i
4 051i The Gold Dragon's Threat 12 10 033iRare050iRare063i073i083i095i259i278i
4 142i Invasion of Twilight 11 7 073i083i093i095i113i115i140iRare278i
4 127i The Queen's Secret Emissary 11 7 073i083i093i095i113i115i125iRare278i
4 052i Legacy of the Dragon 14 10 033iRare050iRare073i083i093i095i113i115i278i
4 337i Noble under the Crescent 12 7 013iRare073i083i085i093i113i115i283i103i
4 342i Pike Blessed by the Light 12 7 013iRare083i085i093i113i115i283i103i073i
4 157i The Roar of the Furious Lion 12 7 013iRare083i085i093i113i115i283i103i073i
4 187i The Brutal King of Beasts 12 7 013iRare083i085i093i113i115i283i103i073i
4 207i Shriek of the God of Lightning 17 10 013iRare083i085i093i113i115i283i103i073i
4 142i Vow to the Swords 25 7 063i093i113i140iRare103i073i083i
4 036i Duties Inherited 25 7 033iRare063i093i113i103i073i083i
4 218i The Eagle Granting Glory 30 10 063i093i113i103i073i083i059i109i
5 074i The Phantom Maze 3 3 037iRare064i074i104i245i274i
5 114i Dark Night of Wolves 3 3 037iRare064i104i114i245i274i
5 104i The Black Stone Tower 5 5 037iRare064i094i104i245i274i
5 143i Way of the Lunatic Ranger 5 5 037iRare064i074i084i143iRare250i274i
5 128i Gleam of Spring 5 5 037iRare064i074i084i128iRare250i274i
5 053i Curse of Decapa 7 7 037iRare053iRare064i074i084i250i274i
5 065i Summoning the Dark Gnome 7 6 037iRare064i074i114i255i279i
5 085i The Dark Blade 7 6 037iRare074i084i114i255i279i
5 075i Disguise of the Elves 10 8 037iRare074i114i255i279i
5 144i Assassin in the Dark 9 7 037iRare065i075i085i093i143iRare260i279i
5 129i Reaper of Souls 9 7 037iRare065i075i085i093i128iRare260i279i
5 054i Ingress of Decapator 12 10 037iRare053iRare065i075i085i093i260i279i
5 145i The Mortal Combat 11 7 075i083i093i095i113i115i143iRare279i
5 130i Chooser of Slain 11 7 075i083i093i095i113i115i128iRare279i
5 055i Rage of the Dragons 14 10 037iRare053iRare075i083i093i095i113i115i279i
5 338i The Witch in the Dark 12 7 017iRare075i083i085i095i113i115i284i105i
5 343i The Merciless 12 7 017iRare083i085i095i113i115i284i105i075i
5 160i The Wings of the Dark Crescent 12 7 017iRare083i085i095i113i115i284i105i075i
5 190i Puppet of the Evil Lord 12 7 017iRare083i085i095i113i115i284i105i075i
5 209i Horn Pleaing for Rangarok 17 10 017iRare083i085i095i113i115i284i105i075i
5 145i Defeating the Shadow 25 7 065i095i115i143iRare105i075i085i
5 040i Unlimited Desires of Beasts 25 7 037iRare065i095i115i105i075i085i
5 220i God of the Afterlife 30 10 065i095i115i105i075i085i061i111i
6 056i Resolution to Ascend the Tower 3 3 056i096i098i100i264i
6 103i FIrst Brush with Apocalypse 3 3 096i098i100i264i
6 105i Becoming Hope of the World 5 5 096i098i100i264i
6 066i Aim of the Ancient Stylites 5 5 001iRare005iRare009iRare013iRare017iRare056i058i060i062i064i066i068i070i072i074i261i267i
6 076i Shortcut of Becoming God 5 5 001iRare005iRare009iRare013iRare017iRare056i058i060i062i064i066i068i070i072i074i076i078i261i267i
6 161i The Protracted Tower Climbing 5 5 001iRare005iRare009iRare013iRare017iRare056i058i060i062i064i066i068i070i072i074i261i267i
6 137i To Talk to God 5 5 001iRare005iRare009iRare013iRare017iRare056i058i060i062i064i066i068i070i072i074i261i267i
6 286i Unleashing the First Seal 5 5 001iRare005iRare009iRare013iRare017iRare056i058i060i062i064i066i068i070i072i074i261i267i
6 067i Greed of the Ancient Stylites 6 5 001iRare005iRare009iRare013iRare017iRare076i078i080i082i084i086i088i090i092i094i265i268i
6 073i Building Enochian Tower 6 5 001iRare005iRare009iRare013iRare017iRare076i078i080i082i084i086i088i090i092i094i265i268i
6 170i Never Give Up 6 5 001iRare005iRare009iRare013iRare017iRare076i078i080i082i084i086i088i090i092i094i265i268i
6 131i Tenacity to Stop Apocalypse 6 5 001iRare005iRare009iRare013iRare017iRare076i078i080i082i084i086i088i090i092i094i265i268i
6 288i Unleashing the Second Seal 8 7 001iRare005iRare009iRare013iRare017iRare076i078i080i082i084i086i088i090i092i094i265i268i
6 077i Awakening of the Ancient Stylites 8 6 001iRare005iRare009iRare013iRare017iRare076i078i080i082i084i106i108i110i112i114i262i
6 087i The Invading Evil Spirit 8 6 001iRare005iRare009iRare013iRare017iRare076i078i080i082i084i106i108i110i112i114i262i
6 164i Remains of History 8 6 001iRare005iRare009iRare013iRare017iRare076i078i080i082i084i106i108i110i112i114i262i
6 134i Caroling under the Stars 8 6 001iRare005iRare009iRare013iRare017iRare076i078i080i082i084i106i108i110i112i114i262i
6 287i Unleashing the Third Seal 10 8 001iRare005iRare009iRare013iRare017iRare076i078i080i082i084i106i108i110i112i114i262i
6 177i Seals of the Ancient Stylites 10 7 001iRare005iRare009iRare013iRare017iRare067i069i071i073i075i077i079i081i083i085i266i269i
6 183i The Trapped Evil Spirits 10 7 001iRare005iRare009iRare013iRare017iRare067i069i071i073i075i077i079i081i083i085i266i269i
6 180i Banishing the Evil Spirits! 10 7 001iRare005iRare009iRare013iRare017iRare067i069i071i073i075i077i079i081i083i085i266i269i
6 141i World in My Palm 10 7 001iRare005iRare009iRare013iRare017iRare067i069i071i073i075i077i079i081i083i085i266i