Tower of Saviors Wiki
Tower of Saviors Wiki
Tower of Saviors Wiki

Character Stats[]

HP, or Health Points, is used to measure the health of a Character. During battle, when the total HP of the team is reduced to 0, the battle is lost.

ATK, or Attack, is used to calculate the amount of damage dealt during battle. The ATK value shown in a Character's card will be its Attack basic value when entering battle.

REC, or Recovery, refers to the amount of HP that can be recovered when dissolving Heart runestones during battle.

Card Progression[]

See also: Power Release, Virtual Rebirth

Some cards may evolve into higher rarity forms by undergoing the following:

Evolve → Power Release (PR) → Virtual Rebirth (VR) → Supreme Reckoning (SR)

Although the above is the typical evolve path for many cards, they do not always follow the same route. For e.g. cards from the Origin of Demons series skips Virtual Rebirth entirely:

No (Evolves to) EvoArrow No (PR to) EvoArrow No (SR to) EvoArrow No

Cards may not necessarily have to start from the beginning (i.e. Evolve). The base form for some cards can directly undergo higher forms of evolution, for e.g.:

No (Base form, Power Releases to) EvoArrow No
No (Base form, Virtual Rebirths to) EvoArrow No

Cards may have multiple evolve branches, e.g.:

No EvoArrow No
No EvoArrow No

Certain cards may also evolve back and forth between 2 different forms, e.g.:

No EvoArrow No
No EvoArrow No

Note that evolve materials are required and are consumed every time an advancement occurs, e.g.:

229i EvoPlus 250i 255i 255i 260i 260i EvoArrow 230i (Evolve)
230i EvoPlus 504i 504i 263i 266i 269i EvoArrow 595i (Power Release)
595i EvoPlus 504i 504i 504i 263i 269i EvoArrow 1090i (Virtual Rebirth)
1090i EvoPlus 1999i 1999i 1999i 504i 504i EvoArrow 2185i (Supreme Reckoning)

The following table summarizes other requirements for advancement and if the process is reversible:

Evolve Method Requirements Reversible?
Max level Battle stage
Evolve Yes No Yes1
Power Release No Yes No
Virtual Rebirth No Yes No
Supreme Reckoning Yes No No

Power Alternation[]

Cards in their VR form may alternate between 2 different forms, a process known as Power Alternation. This can be done from the Character Inventory menu. After alternating, the card stays in its other form in the Inventory, until it is alternated again (there is no limit to the number of times it can be alternated).

Card Strengthening[]


Ascension UI

The Ascension UI previewing the number of orbs required, and the stats increases to be gained. This menu can be accessed from the Inventory menu by selecting a card that has been dual maxed, and tapping on Ascension Level.

Ascension is a way to level up cards past its upper limit. All Character inventory cards that have been Dual Maxed (Lv. & Skill Lv.) can ascend an additional 20 levels. Each level of Ascension increases the basic stats of a card (at max level) by 1%, up to 20%.

Orbs are consumed during the Ascension process, where different attributive orbs are used for cards of the same attribute. Spirit orbs however, can be used for cards of any attribute. Different cards consume different amounts of orbs, ranging from 30 to 360 orbs to fully ascend.

Orb for use in
Item100101 Water cards
Item100102 Fire cards
Item100103 Earth cards
Item100104 Light cards
Item100105 Dark cards
Item100106 All attributes


Main article: Amelioration System

Amelioration is a way for selected cards to gain additional stats/skills. There are typically 4 levels of amelioration, though certain cards will only have 2. By melting in the required souls from the Inventory menu, a special stage is unlocked, which can be cleared to gain that level's Amelioration Skill. The stage can be bypassed by expending 20 stamina and 200 souls (additionally).

(Typical) soul costs
Souls required Card group
Category I II III IV Total
A 50 100 200 400 750 Non-diamond seal1
B 50 150 300 500 1000 Diamond seal2
C 100 200 350 600 1250 Chinese Gods + No No No
D 150 250 400 700 1500 Exclusive Black-gold

Awakening Recall[]

Awakening Recall (AR) is way to further improve specific cards after they have been All Maxed (Max Lv + Skill lv. and fully ameliorated). Cards may have their stats improved and/or gain passive skills after undergoing AR.

Refine5 offRefine5

Cards from series' featured in The Traveler's Memories requires the completion of a specific Elite stage in order to AR. Other cards will require the consumption of Steles. 20 Steles are required, whose type correspond to the Race of the card being AR-ed. For example, Freyja, who is of God race, requires 20 Stele(s) of God.

List of cards available for AR
Series Characters Version
Requires completion of relevant stage in The Traveler's Memories
Twelve Zodiacs 816i 817i 818i 819i 820i 821i 822i 823i 824i 825i 826i 827i 14.0
Investiture of the Gods 1041i 1042i 1043i 1044i 1045i 15.2
Hyakki Yagyō - Curse 1126i 1127i 1128i 1129i 1130i 16.2
Descendants of the North 1336i 1337i 1338i 1339i 1340i 19.0
Companions of Mystical Beasts 1390i 1391i 1392i 1393i 1394i 2021.1
Requires Steles
Norse Gods 2001i 2002i 2003i 2004i 2005i 2023.2
The Witches 2795i 2796i 2797i 2798i 2799i 2800i
Revolutionary Heroes 2041i 2042i 2043i 2044i 2045i 2046i 2047i 2048i 2049i 2050i 2023.4
Chinese Gods 2181i 2182i 2183i 2184i 2185i 2024.2

Dual Max Bonus[]

Most biweekly cards will gain additional HP, ATK, and REC stats after leveling its Lv. and Skill Lv. to the maximum. The amount gained varies and is specific to the card/series.

Dualmaxbonus offDualmaxbonus on

Cards with dual max bonuses will have an icon near the bottom right of it's artwork. When bonuses have been achieved, the icon lights up as shown above.

Card Rarity[]

Card 2595

Divinity of War - Chiyou, a 7♦ rarity, exclusive Black-gold card with rainbow borders.

A card's rarity is shown by the number of rhombus-shaped diamonds arranged below its name. Generally, higher rarity cards have higher stats, better skills, and are harder and costlier to obtain. Typically, when a card evolves, its rarity will also increase. Rarities for currently available cards range from 1♦ to 8♦.

The back design of a card changes depending on its rarity, except for cards with a custom back design.

Rarity Color Back
7♦ Black-gold CARD BLACK

Certain Black-gold cards have a rainbow color-changing border, most notably those obtained from exclusive Black-gold Seals. Others include those shown in the table below.

Black-gold cards with color-changing border
Type Cards
Terry 1589i 2771i
Guardians of Mech City 1868i 1869i 1870i
Collection reward 2300i 2473i 2622i 2710i 2721i 10330i 10351i 10507i
Exclusive Black-gold See: Black-gold Seals

Back Design[]

General back designs
BronzeCard CopperCard SilverCard GoldCard PlatinumCard NielloCard
Bronze Copper Silver Gold Platinum Black-gold
Custom back designs
DisneyCard XuanCard ChinesePaladinCard MonsterStrikeCard RichmanCard MadHeadCard
Disney Xuan Chinese Paladin Monster Strike Richman Madhead
HxHCard YYHCard KonoSubaCard FairyTailCard SaintSeiyaCard UltramanCard
Hunter x Hunter YuYu Hakusho KonoSuba Fairy Tail Saint Seiya Ultraman
MikuCard PhantomTroupeCard FMACard CGCard TengenToppaCard 7DSCard
Hatsune Miku Phantom Troupe FMA Chronos Gate TTGL 7DS
EVACard RockmanCard KNYCard GodzillaCard KamenRiderCard MHACard
Eva Rockman Demon Slayer Godzilla Kamen Rider My Hero Academia
GintamaCard DigimonCard OnePunchManCard OnePunchManBGCard SpyxFamilyCard SailorMoonCard
Gintama Digimon One Punch Man One Punch Man Spy x Family Sailor Moon
AttackonTitanCard JujutsuKaisenCard HikarunoGoCard SAOCard JoJoS1Card JoJoS2Card
Attack on Titan Jujutsu Kaisen Hikaru no Go Sword Art Online JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Rurouni Kenshin