Tower of Saviors Wiki
Tower of Saviors Wiki
IDNo. 4800
NameCD 1 ‧ Runestones Change - 5 Attributes & Heart ‧ Assigned Combo Safeguard - Attack+ ‧ 20-sec Moving Time
EffectCD of the enemy's first attack will be 1.

Turn all Runestones into a fixed number of Runestones of each type each Round.

When the specific number of Combos is made in the first batch, 20% of the enemy's HP will be deducted.
If not,
⇒ 25% of Summoner‘s HP will be deducted when the enemy attacks (regardless of all Damage-reducing and Willpower Skills);
⇒the more times the enemy attacks, the more the enemy's Attack will increase.

The enemy receives no other Damage (including Active Skills) and disregards all Controlling Skills.

Runestone-moving time becomes 20 seconds (time-related Skills other than “Boundary Breaking” and “unlimited Runestone movement without dissolving” will be nullified).