Race / Attributes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Beast 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 |
Demon 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 |
Dragon 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 |
Elf 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 |
Human 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 • 13 • 14 |
God 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 |
Machina 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 |
Level Up | Evolve | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Water 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 |
Fire 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 |
Earth 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 |
Light 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 |
Dark 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 |
ID | 2197 | Name | Hatsune Miku MIKUEXPO 2019 | Attribute | Fire | Race | Machina | |||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
5000K | Max Exp |
5000000 | Rarity | ★7 | Cost | 39 | Series | Joint Operation | |
Lv1 HP |
1682 | Lv1 ATK |
682 | Lv1 Rec |
118 | Max HP |
3239 | Max Atk |
1339 | Max Rec |
339 | |
Active Skill | Blooms of Miku I. Release the locked Skills of “Hatsune Miku”. (This Skill will not be locked.) For 1 Round: II. Machina Attack x 1.5. III. Any “Hatsune Miku”: ⇒ Attack x 3 additionally. |
Leader Skill | Engine Energy - Fiery Hearts Machina Attack x 3.9. II. Heart Runestones also possess 50% effect of Fire Runestones. |
ID | 2205 | Name | Event Manager - Sawyer | Attribute | Fire | Race | Human | |||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
5000K | Max Exp |
5000000 | Rarity | ★6 | Cost | 20 | Series | Arena | |
Lv1 HP |
1728 | Lv1 ATK |
709 | Lv1 Rec |
175 | Max HP |
3393 | Max Atk |
1393 | Max Rec |
393 | |
Active Skill | Day of Machines I. Turn the columns of Runestones below Humans and Machinas into Runestones of the Member's Race in each column. II. When the Team consists of only Humans and Machinas, ⇒ Runestones will be turned into Race Runestones of the Attribute of the Monster in that column. |
Leader Skill | Expertise in Mechanics I. Team Attack x 4. II. Human Attack on Machina enemies x 3 additionally. III. Damage received from Machina enemies -30%. |
ID | 2210 | Name | Kentucky Summer | Attribute | Fire | Race | Human | |||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
500K | Max Exp |
500000 | Rarity | ★6 | Cost | 16 | Series | Tower Residents | |
Lv1 HP |
1028 | Lv1 ATK |
357 | Lv1 Rec |
231 | Max HP |
2017 | Max Atk |
702 | Max Rec |
520 | |
Active Skill | Summer's Heartbeat (49) Refresh all Runestones |
Leader Skill | Nil Nil |
ID | 2211 | Name | Zinger | Attribute | Fire | Race | Level Up Elements | |||||
Max Lv |
1 | Exp Curve |
500K | Max Exp |
0 | Rarity | ★5 | Cost | 8 | Series | Materials | |
Lv1 HP |
1000 | Lv1 ATK |
500 | Lv1 Rec |
100 | Max HP |
1000 | Max Atk |
500 | Max Rec |
100 | |
Active Skill | Nil Nil |
Leader Skill | Nil Nil |
ID | 2213 | Name | Cardbuster Girlfriend - Ringo | Attribute | Fire | Race | Level Up Elements | |||||
Max Lv |
1 | Exp Curve |
500K | Max Exp |
0 | Rarity | ★5 | Cost | 99 | Series | Materials | |
Lv1 HP |
1 | Lv1 ATK |
1 | Lv1 Rec |
1 | Max HP |
1 | Max Atk |
1 | Max Rec |
1 | |
Active Skill | Nil Nil |
Leader Skill | Nil Nil |
ID | 2218 | Name | Amber | Attribute | Fire | Race | Elf | ||||||
Max Lv |
50 | Exp Curve |
4000K | Max Exp |
1000000 | Rarity | ★5 | Cost | 8 | Series | Minerelves | ||
Lv1 HP |
628 | Lv1 ATK |
335 | Lv1 Rec |
242 | Max HP |
1176 | Max Atk |
629 | Max Rec |
536 | ||
Active Skill | Enchantment of Hearts Turn all Heart Runestones into Enchanted Runestones. |
Leader Skill | Ferocity of Elves Elf Attack x 4. |
Evolve |
ID | 2219 | Name | Heated Fluorescence - Amber | Attribute | Fire | Race | Elf | ||||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
4000K | Max Exp |
4000000 | Rarity | ★6 | Cost | 14 | Series | Minerelves | ||
Lv1 HP |
1434 | Lv1 ATK |
666 | Lv1 Rec |
383 | Max HP |
2735 | Max Atk |
1271 | Max Rec |
866 | ||
Active Skill | Flames of Bug Turn all Runestones into Enchanted Heart Elf Runestones and Enchanted Fire Elf Runestones of fixed numbers and positions. |
Leader Skill | Piercing Amber Eyes I. Elf HP & Attack x 2.5. II. Heart Runestones can only be dissolved by aligning ≥30 of them. III. For every group of Attributive Runestones dissolved, ⇒ recover HP as much as 5% of total Elf HP. |
Evolve |
ID | 2226 | Name | Ruby | Attribute | Fire | Race | Elf | ||||||
Max Lv |
50 | Exp Curve |
4000K | Max Exp |
1000000 | Rarity | ★5 | Cost | 8 | Series | Minerelves | ||
Lv1 HP |
598 | Lv1 ATK |
319 | Lv1 Rec |
231 | Max HP |
1120 | Max Atk |
599 | Max Rec |
511 | ||
Active Skill | Enchantment of Hearts Turn all Heart Runestones into Enchanted Runestones. |
Leader Skill | Ferocity of Elves Elf Attack x 4. |
Evolve |
ID | 2227 | Name | Unbridled Ego - Ruby | Attribute | Fire | Race | Elf | ||||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
4000K | Max Exp |
4000000 | Rarity | ★6 | Cost | 14 | Series | Minerelves | ||
Lv1 HP |
1376 | Lv1 ATK |
642 | Lv1 Rec |
374 | Max HP |
2624 | Max Atk |
1225 | Max Rec |
845 | ||
Active Skill | Chill of Ruby I. Freeze all enemies for 3 Rounds: ⇒ When the effect is in play, enemies' Defense will be reduced to 0. II. Turn 6 non-Fire and non-Heart Runestones into Enchanted Fire Elf Runestones. For 1 Round: III. Upon the completion of moving Runestones, the Monster launches an extra attack for every present Heart Runestone, to the max 6 extra attacks. |
Leader Skill | Fire Spirit Sorcery I. Elf Attack x 4.5. II. By dissolving Fire and Heart Runestones, ⇒ Elf Attack x 2 additionally. |
Evolve |
ID | 2232 | Name | Principal of Erudition - Super Seven | Attribute | Fire | Race | Elf | |||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
4000K | Max Exp |
4000000 | Rarity | ★6 | Cost | 20 | Series | Ultimate Lords | |
Lv1 HP |
1304 | Lv1 ATK |
644 | Lv1 Rec |
409 | Max HP |
2487 | Max Atk |
1229 | Max Rec |
924 | |
Active Skill | Mine of Wisdom This Skill can be activated only when there are 2 or more Elves in the Team: Turn all Runestones into fixed numbers and fixed positions of Heart Elf Runestones and Elf Runestones of 5 Attributes. |
Leader Skill | Divinity of Seven When 7 Combos are made, Team Attack x 7 (only the first batch of Runestones dissolved will be counted). |
ID | 2236 | Name | Truth Seeker - Corallium | Attribute | Fire | Race | Elf | |||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
4000K | Max Exp |
4000000 | Rarity | ★7 | Cost | 40 | Series | Joint Operation | |
Lv1 HP |
1223 | Lv1 ATK |
719 | Lv1 Rec |
415 | Max HP |
2332 | Max Atk |
1372 | Max Rec |
938 | |
Active Skill | Dancing Red Corals I. Explode Runestones of the enemy's Attribute to generate Enchanted Fire Runestones. For 1 Round: II. For every 2 groups of Runestones dissolved, each Elf in the Team launches an extra Fire attack as much as 30% of its own Attack, to the max 5 extra attacks. |
Leader Skill | Elfish Illusions - Fiery Shadow I. Elf Attack x 4.5. II. Turn 3 random Runestones into Fire Elf Runestones at the end of each Round. |
ID | 2240 | Name | Charming Siderite - Rhodochrosite | Attribute | Fire | Race | Elf | |||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
3500K | Max Exp |
3500000 | Rarity | ★5 | Cost | 10 | Series | Aging Gems | |
Lv1 HP |
897 | Lv1 ATK |
479 | Lv1 Rec |
247 | Max HP |
1932 | Max Atk |
1033 | Max Rec |
643 | |
Active Skill | Charm of Wildness I. Explode Fire Runestones and the columns below Elves ⇒ to generate Enchanted Runestones. For 1 Round: II. By dissolving ≥20 Enchanted Runestones, ⇒ Fire Attack & Elf Attack x 1.6. ⇒ Fire Elf Attack x 2.2. |
Leader Skill | Ferocity of Elves Elf Attack x 4. |
ID | 2245 | Name | Birth of Magnificence - Brock | Attribute | Fire | Race | Dragon | ||||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
5000K | Max Exp |
5000000 | Rarity | ★5 | Cost | 12 | Series | Noble Drakes | ||
Lv1 HP |
1845 | Lv1 ATK |
714 | Lv1 Rec |
36 | Max HP |
4222 | Max Atk |
1313 | Max Rec |
41 | ||
Active Skill | Dragonic Enchantment I. Turn Runestones as many as the accumulated Rounds +1 into Enchanted Dragon Runestones, to the max 8 Runestones (dissolving Runestones is necessary). II. If the Skill is activated when accumulation reaches the max of 8 Runestones, ⇒ Skill CDs of all Dragons -1. The number of Runestones to be converted will reset after activation. |
Leader Skill | Appearance of Scales I. Dragon Attack x 3. II. When HP >70%, the next Damage received will not lead to your defeat (one activation each Round). |
Evolve | |
ID | 2247 | Name | Scale of Combustion - Brock | Attribute | Fire | Race | Dragon | ||||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
1500K | Max Exp |
1500000 | Rarity | ★6 | Cost | 15 | Series | Noble Drakes | ||
Lv1 HP |
2172 | Lv1 ATK |
1052 | Lv1 Rec |
85 | Max HP |
4377 | Max Atk |
1746 | Max Rec |
95 | ||
Active Skill | Dragonic Enchantment - Compliance I. Turn Runestones as many as the accumulated Rounds +4 into Enchanted Dragon Runestones, to the max 20 Runestones (dissolving Runestones is necessary). For 1 Round, II. For every non-Leader Attribute of Runestones dissolved, ⇒ generate 5 Runestones of Leader's Attribute, ⇒ to the max 20 Runestones for 4 Attributes dissolved. |
Leader Skill | Glittering Scales - Fire I. Dragon Attack x 6. II. Recovery basic value of each Dragon +350. III. Heart Runestones also possess 50% effect of Fire Runestones. IV. Attack bonus +150% for Combos made. |
Evolve |
ID | 2252 | Name | Cherry Cupcake | Attribute | Fire | Race | Level Up Elements | |||||
Max Lv |
1 | Exp Curve |
500K | Max Exp |
0 | Rarity | ★5 | Cost | 4 | Series | Delicate Desserts | |
Lv1 HP |
2000 | Lv1 ATK |
0 | Lv1 Rec |
1000 | Max HP |
2000 | Max Atk |
0 | Max Rec |
1000 | |
Active Skill | Savory Dish - Fire The more Fire Members in the Team, the more the HP to be recovered, to the max 6000 HP. |
Leader Skill | Revival of Fire Fire Recovery x 2 |
ID | 2278 | Name | Steel Bear | Attribute | Fire | Race | Evolve Elements | |||||
Max Lv |
1 | Exp Curve |
500K | Max Exp |
0 | Rarity | ★6 | Cost | 50 | Series | Power Release Materials | |
Lv1 HP |
1200 | Lv1 ATK |
800 | Lv1 Rec |
300 | Max HP |
1200 | Max Atk |
800 | Max Rec |
300 | |
Active Skill | Nil Nil |
Leader Skill | The Healing Duo Convert 30% of Damage received into HP recovery (Damage from Boss Skills will not be counted) |
ID | 2279 | Name | Mech Christmas Reindeer | Attribute | Fire | Race | Machina | |||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
5000K | Max Exp |
5000000 | Rarity | ★5 | Cost | 20 | Series | Guild Event | |
Lv1 HP |
1495 | Lv1 ATK |
576 | Lv1 Rec |
101 | Max HP |
3252 | Max Atk |
1281 | Max Rec |
340 | |
Active Skill | Rocking around the Christmas Tree I. Unlimited Runestone movement in 12 seconds without dissolving. II. When all Machinas in the Team have 100% Fuel upon Skill activation, ⇒ Machina Attack & Recovery x 1.8 for 1 Round. |
Leader Skill | Ferocity of Blaze Fire Members: ⇒ Attack x 4. |
ID | 2282 | Name | Hisoka the Magician | Attribute | Fire | Race | Human | |||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
5000K | Max Exp |
5000000 | Rarity | ★6 | Cost | 16 | Series | Spider×Magician | |
Lv1 HP |
1569 | Lv1 ATK |
820 | Lv1 Rec |
206 | Max HP |
3080 | Max Atk |
1610 | Max Rec |
462 | |
Active Skill | Texture Surprise I. Modify all Runestones to become Human Runestones. For 1 Round: II. Extend Runestone-moving time to 10 seconds. III. Damage reflected from enemies -100%. IV. Upon the activation of the Skill "Let's Play Together!", ⇒ 【JOKER】will be guaranteed. | Active Skill | Let's Play Together! Draw a card to trigger the effects: 【HEART】 ⓵ Randomly turn 3 non-Fire and non-Heart Runestones into Heart Runestones. ⓶ Turn Heart Runestones into Enchanted Human Runestones. ⓷ For 1 Round, Heart Runestones also possess the effects of all Attributive Runestones. 【DIAMOND】 ⓵ Randomly turn 3 non-Fire and non-Heart Runestones into Fire Runestones. ⓶ Turn Fire Runestones into Enchanted Human Runestones. ⓷ For 1 Round, the Monster's Attack x 5 (no sharing to other Team Members). 【JOKER】 ⓵ Randomly turn 6 non-Fire and non-Heart Runestones into 3 Fire Runestones and 3 Heart Runestones. ⓶ Turn Fire and Heart Runestones into Enchanted Human Runestones. For 1 Round: ⓷ Heart Runestones also possess the effects of all Attributive Runestones. ⓸ For 1 Round, the Monster's Attack x 5 (no sharing to other Team Members). |
Leader Skill | Battle of the Magician When the Team consists of only Humans: I. Team Attack x 5. II. Heart Runestones also possess 50% effect of other Attributive Runestones. III. Damage received -20%. IV. When there is other additional effect(s) in play, ⇒ Damage received -40%. |
ID | 2290 | Name | Genthru | Attribute | Fire | Race | Human | |||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
5000K | Max Exp |
5000000 | Rarity | ★6 | Cost | 20 | Series | Ultimate Lords | |
Lv1 HP |
1639 | Lv1 ATK |
836 | Lv1 Rec |
201 | Max HP |
3217 | Max Atk |
1641 | Max Rec |
451 | |
Active Skill | Melody of Life Record the Damage dealt to enemies each Round (excluding non-Attributive Damage), to the max 2 billion. This Skill can be deactivated anytime. Upon deactivation of the Skill, deal non-Attributive Damage as much as 1% of the recorded Damage to all enemies (the effect will be cleared in 3 Rounds). |
Leader Skill | Ferocity of Humans Human Attack x 4. |
ID | 2295 | Name | Gon & Killua | Attribute | Fire | Race | Human | |||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
4000K | Max Exp |
4000000 | Rarity | ★6 | Cost | 20 | Series | True Friends | |
Lv1 HP |
1456 | Lv1 ATK |
836 | Lv1 Rec |
201 | Max HP |
2859 | Max Atk |
1641 | Max Rec |
451 | |
Active Skill | Power of Best Friends I. Explode non-Fire and non-Heart Runestones to generate Enchanted Runestones of Team Members' Attributes. For 1 Round: II. The Monster's Attack x 10, regardless of Defense. No attacks could be launched by other Members. III. When there is "Hisoka" in the Team, ⇒ the Damage received in the Round will not lead to your defeat. IV. When there is "Biscuit" in the Team, ⇒ Fire and Heart Runestones also possess the effects of each other for 1 Round. |
Leader Skill | Ferocity of Humans Human Attack x 4. |
ID | 2297 | Name | Bonolenov | Attribute | Fire | Race | Human | |||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
3500K | Max Exp |
3500000 | Rarity | ★6 | Cost | 10 | Series | Members of Spider, Phantom Troupe |
Lv1 HP |
1164 | Lv1 ATK |
644 | Lv1 Rec |
161 | Max HP |
2286 | Max Atk |
1265 | Max Rec |
361 | |
Active Skill | Battle Cantabile I. Arrange Runestones of the Monster's Attribute from top left to right. II. For 1 Round, the Monster launches an extra non-Attributive attack as much as 5x its Attack. |
Leader Skill | Human Spleen Human Attack x 3 |
ID | 2301 | Name | Duo of Mischief - Wen Qu & Wu Qu | Attribute | Fire | Race | God | |||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
5000K | Max Exp |
5000000 | Rarity | ★6 | Cost | 20 | Series | Ultimate Lords | |
Lv1 HP |
1664 | Lv1 ATK |
838 | Lv1 Rec |
176 | Max HP |
3296 | Max Atk |
1550 | Max Rec |
400 | |
Active Skill | Stars Down to the Earth Turn all Runestones into Enchanted God Runestones. | Active Skill | Cleansing Aura of Gods I. Clear all additional effect(s) in play. II. Fully recover HP. III. When the Team consists of only Gods, ⇒ Team Attack x 2.5 for 1 Round. |
Leader Skill | Ferocity of Gods God Attack x 4. |
ID | 2307 | Name | Fire of Sagacity - Enlil | Attribute | Fire | Race | God | |||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
5000K | Max Exp |
5000000 | Rarity | ★6 | Cost | 16 | Series | Olden Trio | |
Lv1 HP |
1664 | Lv1 ATK |
847 | Lv1 Rec |
192 | Max HP |
3296 | Max Atk |
1566 | Max Rec |
437 | |
Active Skill | Unquenchable Flames I. Fire Damage can overpower Water enemies. II. By dissolving Race Runestones, the Monster launches an extra Fire attack and an extra Earth attack. The Skill stays in play until deactivation or defeated. This Skill can be deactivated anytime. Upon deactivation of the Skill: ⇒ Explode the columns of Runestones below Gods to generate Enchanted God Runestones. |
Leader Skill | Tenderness of the Goddess When the Team includes only Gods and Humans, and there are ≥4 Gods: I. Team Attack x 6.5; HP x 1.2. II. Extend Runestone-moving time regardlessly by 1 second. III. The more the Runestones dissolved, the higher the Team Attack increases additionally, to the max x 2.8 for 20 Runestones. |
ID | 2312 | Name | Flicker of Scale - Chi Zhang | Attribute | Fire | Race | Dragon | |||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
5000K | Max Exp |
5000000 | Rarity | ★6 | Cost | 16 | Series | Olden Trio | |
Lv1 HP |
2245 | Lv1 ATK |
794 | Lv1 Rec |
79 | Max HP |
4524 | Max Atk |
1318 | Max Rec |
88 | |
Active Skill | Breaths of the Runedragon I. Clear all additional effect(s) in play. II. For 1 Round, Leader & Ally Attack x 2; the more the additional effects cleared, the more the Attack increases additionally, to the max Attack x 6. |
Leader Skill | Ferocity of Dragons Dragon Attack x 4. |
ID | 2313 | Name | Righteous Fire - Marduk | Attribute | Fire | Race | God | |||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
5000K | Max Exp |
5000000 | Rarity | ★6 | Cost | 16 | Series | Olden Trio | |
Lv1 HP |
1588 | Lv1 ATK |
808 | Lv1 Rec |
183 | Max HP |
3146 | Max Atk |
1494 | Max Rec |
417 | |
Active Skill | Ice-breaking Notion I. Restore all Frozen Runestones to normal state. II. Turn Earth, Light and Dark Runestones into Enchanted Heart Runestones. III. When there is an additional effect in play upon Skill activation, Attack of the Monster and "Fire of Sagacity - Enlil" x 3 for 1 Round. |
Leader Skill | Ferocity of Gods God Attack x 4. |
ID | 2314 | Name | Guidance of Clan - Yan Pu | Attribute | Fire | Race | Dragon | |||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
5000K | Max Exp |
5000000 | Rarity | ★6 | Cost | 20 | Series | Ultimate Lords | |
Lv1 HP |
2139 | Lv1 ATK |
904 | Lv1 Rec |
85 | Max HP |
4309 | Max Atk |
1501 | Max Rec |
95 | |
Active Skill | Explosion of Dragonic Flames I. Explode Fire and Heart Runestones to generate Fire Dragon Runestones. II. Deal Fire Damage to all enemies in proportion to Dragon HP and the number of Runestones exploded. |
Leader Skill | Ferocity of Dragons Dragon Attack x 4. |
ID | 2320 | Name | Kitten of Fortune - Mellow | Attribute | Fire | Race | Beast | |||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
4000K | Max Exp |
4000000 | Rarity | ★6 | Cost | 20 | Series | Luck Charms | |
Lv1 HP |
1759 | Lv1 ATK |
777 | Lv1 Rec |
128 | Max HP |
3451 | Max Atk |
1413 | Max Rec |
298 | |
Active Skill | The Beckoning Paws I. Explode the columns of Runestones below Leader and Ally to generate Enchanted Fire Runestones. II. For 1 Round, by dissolving all present Fire Runestones in the first batch, modify all Runestones to become Beast Runestones next Round. |
Leader Skill | Promise of Luxuriance - Blaze Fire Attack x 3. Coins obtained from Battles increase by 75% (effects can be superimposed). |
ID | 2321 | Name | Lantern Tradition - He Xian'gu | Attribute | Fire | Race | God | |||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
4000K | Max Exp |
4000000 | Rarity | ★6 | Cost | 20 | Series | World Assembly | |
Lv1 HP |
1584 | Lv1 ATK |
752 | Lv1 Rec |
240 | Max HP |
3138 | Max Atk |
1390 | Max Rec |
547 | |
Active Skill | Lotus of the Kingdom I. Modify 3 columns of Runestones below Gods to become God Runestones. For 1 Round: II. Recover 2000 HP for every God Runestone dissolved, to the max 60000 HP for 30 Runestones dissolved. III. By dissolving God Runestones in the first batch, effect II stays in play for 2 Rounds. |
Leader Skill | Ferocity of Gods God Attack x 4. |
ID | 2323 | Name | Spinning Flame Dance - Furla | Attribute | Fire | Race | Elf | |||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
3500K | Max Exp |
3500000 | Rarity | ★5 | Cost | 10 | Series | Circus Wonder | |
Lv1 HP |
865 | Lv1 ATK |
452 | Lv1 Rec |
253 | Max HP |
1863 | Max Atk |
974 | Max Rec |
658 | |
Active Skill | Grace of Dance For 1 Round: I. Elf Attack & Recovery x 1.6. II. Modify Runestones touched while moving to become Elf Runestones. III. When all Members have the same Recovery basic value upon Skill activation: ⓵ Turn Runestones touched while moving into Enchanted Elf Runestones. ⓶ The effects stay in play for 3 Rounds. |
Leader Skill | Full Speed Ahead - Fire Fire Attack x 8 for 10 Rounds. (only the Round of dissolving Runestones will be counted) |
ID | 2337 | Name | Roy Mustang | Attribute | Fire | Race | Human | ||||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
5000K | Max Exp |
5000000 | Rarity | ★6 | Cost | 18 | Series | Truth Seekers | ||
Lv1 HP |
1560 | Lv1 ATK |
879 | Lv1 Rec |
181 | Max HP |
3063 | Max Atk |
1727 | Max Rec |
407 | ||
Active Skill | Fiery Transmutation Circle I. Explode the 2 bottom rows three times to generate non-Water Runestones and deal Fire Damage to all enemies (regardless of Enchanted Runestone Shield). For 2 Rounds: II. Fire Attack x 1.8. III. Drop rate of Water Runestones will be transferred to that of Fire Runestones. |
Leader Skill | Alchemy of Flames I. Fire Attack x 6. II. Human HP, Attack & Recovery x 1.3. III. Deal 500x Fire Damage to all enemies each time when Runestones are exploded by the Team (regardless of Enchanted Runestone Shield). IV. By dissolving Fire Runestones, Fire Attack x 2.2 additionally. V. By dissolving Water Runestones in the first batch, ⇒ Attack of Roy Mustang -80%. |
Combination |
ID | 2341 | Name | Riza Hawkeye | Attribute | Fire | Race | Human | ||||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
5000K | Max Exp |
5000000 | Rarity | ★6 | Cost | 18 | Series | Truth Seekers | ||
Lv1 HP |
1496 | Lv1 ATK |
730 | Lv1 Rec |
230 | Max HP |
2937 | Max Atk |
1433 | Max Rec |
517 | ||
Active Skill | The Hawk's Eye I. Explode non-Fire Runestones twice to generate non-Water Runestones. For 1 Round: II. Launch 6 extra Fire attacks as much as 30% of the Character's attack. |
Leader Skill | Human Tactics - Fire I. Human Attack x 5. II. If Fire and Heart Runestones are dissolved in the same Round: ⇒ Human Attack x 1.5 additionally. ⇒ Damage received -40%. |
Combination |
ID | 2345 | Name | Roy & Riza | Attribute | Fire | Race | Human | ||||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
5000K | Max Exp |
5000000 | Rarity | ★7 | Cost | 22 | Series | Truth Seekers | ||
Lv1 HP |
3381 | Lv1 ATK |
2588 | Lv1 Rec |
447 | Max HP |
6637 | Max Atk |
5081 | Max Rec |
1002 | ||
Active Skill | Fiery Transmutation Circle - EX I. Explode the 2 bottom rows three times to generate non-Water Enchanted Runestones and deal Fire Damage to all enemies (regardless of Enchanted Runestone Shield). For 2 Rounds: II. Fire Attack x 2. III. Drop rate of Water Runestones will be transferred to that of Fire Runestones. IV. All Fire Runestones to be dropped will be Enchanted Fire Runestones. | Active Skill | The Hawk's Eye - EX I. Explode non-Fire Runestones three times to generate non-Water Runestones. For 1 Round: II. Launch 6 extra Fire attacks as much as 50% of the Character's attack. |
Leader Skill | Alchemy of Flames - EX I. Fire Attack x 6.5. II. Human HP, Attack & Recovery x 1.4. III. Deal 600x Fire Damage to all enemies each time when Runestones are exploded by the Team (regardless of Enchanted Runestone Shield). IV. By dissolving Fire Runestones, Fire Attack x 2.8 additionally. V. By dissolving Water Runestones in the first batch, ⇒ Attack of Roy Mustang -80%. |
Combination |
ID | 2347 | Name | Fuhrer King Bradley | Attribute | Fire | Race | Human | |||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
5000K | Max Exp |
5000000 | Rarity | ★6 | Cost | 20 | Series | Ultimate Lords | |
Lv1 HP |
1689 | Lv1 ATK |
856 | Lv1 Rec |
188 | Max HP |
3316 | Max Atk |
1681 | Max Rec |
422 | |
Active Skill | The Ultimate Eye I. The Character's Attack x 2.5. II. The Character's Damage will be dealt regardless of enemies' Defense. III. By dissolving 9 Runestones at fixed positions: ⓵ Team Attack x 1.5. ⓶ Turn Runestones at fixed positions into Enchanted Runestones at the end of the Round. The effects stay in play by dissolving any Runestone at fixed positions in the first batch. |
Leader Skill | Power of Penetration I. Human Attack x 5. II. The Character's Damage will be dealt regardless of enemies' Defense. |
ID | 2351 | Name | Maes Hughes | Attribute | Fire | Race | Human | |||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
3500K | Max Exp |
3500000 | Rarity | ★6 | Cost | 20 | Series | Arena | |
Lv1 HP |
1407 | Lv1 ATK |
774 | Lv1 Rec |
166 | Max HP |
2763 | Max Atk |
1520 | Max Rec |
372 | |
Active Skill | The Flaming Enthusiasm I. Turn Water and Earth Runestones into Heart Runestones. For 1 Round: II. Extend Runestone-moving time to 12 seconds; Heart Runestones also possess the effect of Fire Runestones. III. If the Leader is "Roy Mustang" or "Roy & Riza", ⇒ turn all Runestones into Enchanted Runestones. |
Leader Skill | Flaming Spirits of Humans I. Human Attack x 4. II. Fire Runestones also possess 50% effect of Heart Runestones. |
ID | 2360 | Name | Blood Crystal | Attribute | Fire | Race | Level Up Elements | |||||
Max Lv |
1 | Exp Curve |
500K | Max Exp |
0 | Rarity | ★5 | Cost | 10 | Series | Materials | |
Lv1 HP |
1200 | Lv1 ATK |
800 | Lv1 Rec |
300 | Max HP |
1200 | Max Atk |
800 | Max Rec |
300 | |
Active Skill | Nil Nil |
Leader Skill | Nil Nil |
ID | 2362 | Name | Leena Patil | Attribute | Fire | Race | Human | |||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
3500K | Max Exp |
3500000 | Rarity | ★6 | Cost | 12 | Series | Chronos Gate | |
Lv1 HP |
1390 | Lv1 ATK |
777 | Lv1 Rec |
195 | Max HP |
2730 | Max Atk |
1526 | Max Rec |
438 | |
Active Skill | Flames' Burst I. Select and swipe to remove 3 rows of Runestones. II. For 1 Round, Fire Damage will be dealt regardless of enemies' Defense. |
Leader Skill | Refinement of Fire I. Fire Attack x 5. II. If the Runestone in the bottom left corner is picked up to start moving, ⇒ Fire Attack x 1.5 additionally. III. If the Runestone in the bottom right corner is picked up to start moving, ⇒ turn the first 5 Runestones touched while moving into Enchanted Runestones. |
ID | 2368 | Name | Medium Fire Element | Attribute | Fire | Race | Level Up Elements | |||||
Max Lv |
1 | Exp Curve |
500K | Max Exp |
0 | Rarity | ★3 | Cost | 5 | Series | Chronos Element | |
Lv1 HP |
600 | Lv1 ATK |
600 | Lv1 Rec |
60 | Max HP |
600 | Max Atk |
600 | Max Rec |
60 | |
Active Skill | Flame Hit Deal 3x Fire Damage to all enemies |
Leader Skill | Power of the Flame Fire Attack x 1.5 |
ID | 2376 | Name | Romance Delivery - Angela | Attribute | Fire | Race | Human | |||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
4000K | Max Exp |
4000000 | Rarity | ★6 | Cost | 14 | Series | Love Postal Service | |
Lv1 HP |
1449 | Lv1 ATK |
756 | Lv1 Rec |
216 | Max HP |
2844 | Max Atk |
1485 | Max Rec |
495 | |
Active Skill | Love in Horizon For 1 Round, extend Runestone-moving time to 15 seconds; by dissolving a group of 6 or more Fire Runestones, Fire Attack x 2. |
Leader Skill | Human Forces - Blazing Flames Fire Attack x 4 and Human Attack x 1.5; Fire Human Attack x 6. |
ID | 2382 | Name | No. 5722 - Ralph | Attribute | Fire | Race | Human | |||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
5000K | Max Exp |
5000000 | Rarity | ★6 | Cost | 14 | Series | Creeds of Earthlings | |
Lv1 HP |
1272 | Lv1 ATK |
705 | Lv1 Rec |
238 | Max HP |
3108 | Max Atk |
1722 | Max Rec |
245 | |
Active Skill | Fists on Fire I. Explode the Runestones around Fire Runestones to generate Enchanted Runestones. For 1 Round: II. The Monster's Attack x 5 (no sharing to other Team Members). III. If ≥8 Runestones are exploded, the Monster's Damage will be dealt regardless of Initial Shield. |
Leader Skill | Battles of Flare I. Human Attack x 5. II. By dissolving ≥7 Fire Runestones, Human Attack x 2.2 additionally. |
ID | 2402 | Name | Rocket Explosive - Iggy | Attribute | Fire | Race | Demon | |||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
3500K | Max Exp |
3500000 | Rarity | ★5 | Cost | 10 | Series | Life of Brats | |
Lv1 HP |
671 | Lv1 ATK |
901 | Lv1 Rec |
58 | Max HP |
1404 | Max Atk |
1807 | Max Rec |
307 | |
Active Skill | BANG! For 2 Rounds: I. Explode 6 Runestones to generate Fire Runestones. II. Ignite all enemies. |
Leader Skill | Anger of the Flame Fire Attack x 2 |
ID | 2407 | Name | Simon & Lagann | Attribute | Fire | Race | Machina | ||||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
5000K | Max Exp |
5000000 | Rarity | ★6 | Cost | 16 | Series | Tengen Toppa, Team Dai-Gurren |
Lv1 HP |
2082 | Lv1 ATK |
653 | Lv1 Rec |
127 | Max HP |
4009 | Max Atk |
1282 | Max Rec |
365 | ||
Active Skill | Lagann Impact I. Release the locked Skills of all "Team Dai-Gurren" Characters. (This Skill will not be locked.) II. Explode Petrified Runestones and the 3 bottom rows to generate Enchanted Runestones. For 1 Round: III. The Character's Attack x 5. IV. The Character's Damage can be dealt regardless of Initial Shield. V. The Character launches an extra attack. |
Leader Skill | Ambition of Team Dai-Gurren When the Team includes only Machinas and "Team Dai-Gurren" Characters: I. Team Attack x 6. II. HP, Attack & Recovery of "Team Dai-Gurren" Characters x 1.2 additionally. III. Extend Runestone-moving time regardlessly by 2 seconds. IV. When the Leader or Ally is a combined Character, ⇒ Team HP, Attack & Recovery x 1.5. V. By dissolving Enchanted Water, Enchanted Fire or Enchanted Earth Runestones, Team Attack x 2.2 additionally. VI. When there is an additional effect in play, ⇒ Damage received -40%. |
Evolve | |||||||||||||
Combination |
ID | 2422 | Name | Team Dai-Gurren Leader - Simon & GURREN LAGANN | Attribute | Fire | Race | Machina | ||||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
6500K | Max Exp |
6500000 | Rarity | ★7 | Cost | 18 | Series | Tengen Toppa, Team Dai-Gurren |
Lv1 HP |
2187 | Lv1 ATK |
685 | Lv1 Rec |
134 | Max HP |
4210 | Max Atk |
1346 | Max Rec |
384 | ||
Active Skill | Giga Drill Maximum I. Release the locked Skills of all "Team Dai-Gurren" Characters. (This Skill will not be locked.) II. Explode Petrified Runestones and the 3 bottom rows. III. Turn the upper Runestones on the left into 3 Enchanted Water, 3 Enchanted Fire and 3 Enchanted Earth Runestones. IV. Turn the upper Runestones on the right into 3 Enchanted Light, 3 Enchanted Dark and 3 Enchanted Heart Runestones. For 1 Round: V. The Character's Attack x 5. VI. If the Craft Apparatus is full upon Skill activation, the Character's Damage can be dealt regardless of Defense. |
Leader Skill | Unwavering Heart! When the Team includes only "Team Dai-Gurren" Characters or "Spiral King - Lordgenome & Lazengann": I. Team Attack x 6; HP & Recovery x 1.2. II. The more the Attributes of Runestones dissolved, the higher the Team Attack increases additionally, to the max x 3. III. By dissolving Heart Runestones, Damage received -40%. |
Evolve | |||||||||||||
Combination | File:2423 |
ID | 2408 | Name | Kamina & Gurren | Attribute | Fire | Race | Machina | ||||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
5000K | Max Exp |
5000000 | Rarity | ★6 | Cost | 16 | Series | Tengen Toppa, Team Dai-Gurren |
Lv1 HP |
2060 | Lv1 ATK |
667 | Lv1 Rec |
125 | Max HP |
3966 | Max Atk |
1310 | Max Rec |
359 | ||
Active Skill | Who Do You Think I'm! I. 3 rows of Runestones will be added. II. Extend Runestone-moving time to 10 seconds. For 1 Round: III. Attack & Recovery of "Team Dai-Gurren" Characters x 2. IV. Modify Runestones touched while moving to become Machina Runestones. |
Leader Skill | Aspiration of Team Dai-Gurren When the Team includes only Machinas and "Team Dai-Gurren" Characters: I. Team Attack x 6. II. HP, Attack & Recovery of "Team Dai-Gurren" Characters x 1.2 additionally. III. Heart Runestones also possess the effect of Attributive Runestones. IV. Turn 1 Water, 1 Fire and 1 Earth Runestone into Enchanted Machina Runestones each Round. V. When the Leader or Ally is a combined Character, ⇒ Team HP, Attack & Recovery x 1.5 additionally. VI. By dissolving Enchanted Runestones, Team Attack x 2 additionally. |
Combination |
ID | 2411 | Name | Yoko | Attribute | Fire | Race | Human | ||||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
5000K | Max Exp |
5000000 | Rarity | ★6 | Cost | 16 | Series | Tengen Toppa, Team Dai-Gurren |
Lv1 HP |
1447 | Lv1 ATK |
823 | Lv1 Rec |
226 | Max HP |
2841 | Max Atk |
1615 | Max Rec |
509 | ||
Active Skill | Rifle Shot I. Upon Skill activation and at the end of each Round: ⓵ Turn Light Runestones into Enchanted Fire Runestones. ⓶ Turn Dark Runestones into Enchanted Heart Runestones. II. The Leader's Attack x 3. III. By dissolving all Runestones in the first batch, Skill CDs of "Team Dai-Gurren" Characters -3. IV. Deal 2 million non-Attributive Damage to an enemy before attacks (dissolving Runestones is necessary) (regardless of Defense and Enchanted Runestone Shield). The Skill stays in play until deactivation or defeated. This Skill can be deactivated anytime. Upon deactivation of the Skill: ⓵ Turn all Runestones into Enchanted Runestones of 5 Attributes (6 Runestones for each Attribute). |
Leader Skill | Will of Team Dai-Gurren When the Team includes only Humans and "Team Dai-Gurren" Characters: I. Team Attack x 5; HP x 1.3. II. The more the Characters of "Team Dai-Gurren" in the Team: (identical Monsters will only be counted as one) ⓵ The more the Runestone-moving time to be extended, to the max by 5 seconds for 5 Characters. ⓶ The higher the Team Attack increases additionally, to the max x 4 for 5 Characters. |
Combination | File:2424 |
ID | 2414 | Name | GURREN LAGANN | Attribute | Fire | Race | Machina | ||||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
6500K | Max Exp |
6500000 | Rarity | ★7 | Cost | 32 | Series | Gunmen Combination, Team Dai-Gurren |
Lv1 HP |
4971 | Lv1 ATK |
1584 | Lv1 Rec |
304 | Max HP |
9569 | Max Atk |
3110 | Max Rec |
871 | ||
Active Skill | Giga Drill Break I. Release the locked Skills of all "Team Dai-Gurren" Characters. (This Skill will not be locked.) II. Explode Petrified Runestones and the 3 bottom rows to generate Enchanted Runestones. For 1 Round: III. The Character's Attack x 8. IV. The Character's Damage can be dealt regardless of Initial Shield. | Active Skill | Blazing Chariot Kick! I. 3 rows of Enchanted Runestones will be added, including 6 Fire, 6 Earth and 6 Heart Runestones. For 1 Round: II. Extend Runestone-moving time to 12 seconds. III. Attack & Recovery of "Team Dai-Gurren" Characters x 2.5. IV. Modify Runestones touched while moving to become Machina Runestones. V. Modify all Runestones to become Machina Runestones at the end of the Round. (This Skill will not be locked.) |
Leader Skill | Greatness of Team Dai-Gurren When the Team includes only Machinas and "Team Dai-Gurren" Characters: I. Team Attack x 6.5. II. HP, Attack & Recovery of "Team Dai-Gurren" Characters x 1.2 additionally. III. Extend Runestone-moving time regardlessly by 1 second. IV. Heart Runestones also possess 50% effect of Attributive Runestones. V. By dissolving Enchanted Runestones, Team Attack x 2. VI. When there is an additional effect in play, ⇒ Damage received -40%. |
Combination |
ID | 2416 | Name | General of Spiral King - Thymilph the Crasher | Attribute | Fire | Race | Machina | |||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
3500K | Max Exp |
3500000 | Rarity | ★5 | Cost | 10 | Series | Generals of Spiral King | |
Lv1 HP |
1433 | Lv1 ATK |
428 | Lv1 Rec |
86 | Max HP |
3115 | Max Atk |
952 | Max Rec |
288 | |
Active Skill | Condemn Blaze For 1 Round: I. The more the steps moved while moving Runestones, the higher the Beast & Machina Attack increases, to the max x 2.2 for 25 steps. II. When all enemies' Defense is 0 upon Skill activation, the Character launches an extra Fire attack. |
Leader Skill | Power of Byakou I. Machina & Beast Attack x 3. II. Water Runestones also possess 25% effect of other Attributive Runestones. |
ID | 2423 | Name | Arch-GURREN LAGANN | Attribute | Fire | Race | Machina | ||||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
7500K | Max Exp |
7500000 | Rarity | ★7 | Cost | 34 | Series | Gunmen Combination, Team Dai-Gurren |
Lv1 HP |
3083 | Lv1 ATK |
1209 | Lv1 Rec |
197 | Max HP |
5934 | Max Atk |
2374 | Max Rec |
565 | ||
Active Skill | Space-Time Shattering Burst Spinning Punch! I. Release the locked Skills of all "Team Dai-Gurren" Characters. (This Skill will not be locked.) II. Explode Petrified Runestones and the 3 bottom rows. III. Turn the upper Runestones on the left into 3 Enchanted Water, 3 Enchanted Fire and 3 Enchanted Earth Runestones. IV. Turn the upper Runestones on the right into 3 Enchanted Light, 3 Enchanted Dark and 3 Enchanted Heart Runestones. For 1 Round: V. The Character's Attack x 5. VI. The Character's Damage can be dealt regardless of Defense. | Active Skill | Dual Swordsmanship - EX I. Turn all Runestones into Enchanted Machina Runestones. For 1 Round: II. Dodge an attack of a Human, Machina or Demon enemy. III. After dodging an attack, Damage dealt to all enemies x 2.5 next Round. (This Skill will not be locked.) |
Leader Skill | Break through the Fate! When the Team includes only "Team Dai-Gurren" Characters or "Spiral King - Lordgenome & Lazengann": I. Team Attack x 6.5; HP & Recovery x 1.2. II. The more the Attributes of Runestones dissolved, the higher the Team Attack increases additionally, to the max x 3. III. When there is an additional effect in play, Damage received -50%. |
Combination |
ID | 2424 | Name | Super Galaxy GURREN LAGANN | Attribute | Fire | Race | Machina | ||||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
9000K | Max Exp |
9000000 | Rarity | ★7 | Cost | 66 | Series | Gunmen Combination, Team Dai-Gurren |
Lv1 HP |
9990 | Lv1 ATK |
3821 | Lv1 Rec |
670 | Max HP |
19226 | Max Atk |
7501 | Max Rec |
1918 | ||
Active Skill | Super Galaxy Giga Drill Break I. Release the locked Skills of all "Team Dai-Gurren" Characters. (This Skill will not be locked.) II. Explode Petrified Runestones and the 3 bottom rows. III. Turn the upper Runestones on the left into 3 Enchanted Water, 3 Enchanted Fire and 3 Enchanted Earth Runestones. IV. Turn the upper Runestones on the right into 3 Enchanted Light, 3 Enchanted Dark and 3 Enchanted Heart Runestones. For 1 Round: V. The Character's Attack x 6. VI. The Character's Damage can be dealt regardless of Defense. | Active Skill | King Kittan Stinger - Space & Time I. Unlimited Runestone movement without dissolving within 15 seconds. II. For 1 Round, Combo count +2 for every group of Runestones dissolved in the first batch. (This Skill will not be locked.) |
Leader Skill | Show You the Human Power! When the Team includes only "Team Dai-Gurren" Characters or "Spiral King - Lordgenome & Lazengann": I. Team Attack x 6.5; HP & Recovery x 1.2. II. Extend Runestone-moving time regardlessly by 2 seconds. III. Single Attack becomes Full Attack. IV. The more the Attributes of Runestones dissolved, the higher the Team Attack increases additionally, to the max x 3. V. When there is an additional effect in play, Damage received -50%. |
Combination |
ID | 2425 | Name | Tengen Toppa GURREN LAGANN | Attribute | Fire | Race | Machina | ||||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
10000K | Max Exp |
10000000 | Rarity | ★8 | Cost | 86 | Series | Gunmen Combination, Team Dai-Gurren |
Lv1 HP |
20206 | Lv1 ATK |
7316 | Lv1 Rec |
1084 | Max HP |
38888 | Max Atk |
14361 | Max Rec |
3103 | ||
Active Skill | Lazengann Overload For 2 Rounds: I. Combo count +1 for every group of Runestones dissolved. For 1 Round: II. Use Spiral Power on all enemies to inactivate them. III. Damage dealt to enemies x 2.5. | Active Skill | This is Tengen Toppa! This is Gurren Lagann! I. 3 rows of Enchanted Runestones will be added, including Enchanted Machina Runestones of all types arranged in columns (3 Runestones for each type). For 1 Round: II. Extend Runestone-moving time to 15 seconds. III. The Character launches 4 extra attacks. IV. The Character's Damage will be dealt regardless of Puzzle Shield and Fixed Combo Shield. V. The Character enters a dying state (fatigue state) at the end of the Round. |
Leader Skill | We're Team Dai-Gurren! When the Team consists of only "Team Dai-Gurren" Characters, Team Attack x 7.5. |
Combination |
ID | 2427 | Name | Boota | Attribute | Fire | Race | Level Up Elements | |||||
Max Lv |
1 | Exp Curve |
500K | Max Exp |
0 | Rarity | ★3 | Cost | 6 | Series | Materials | |
Lv1 HP |
1200 | Lv1 ATK |
800 | Lv1 Rec |
300 | Max HP |
1200 | Max Atk |
800 | Max Rec |
300 | |
Active Skill | Nil Nil |
Leader Skill | Nil Nil |
Race / Attributes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Beast 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 |
Demon 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 |
Dragon 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 |
Elf 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 |
Human 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 • 13 • 14 |
God 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 |
Machina 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 |
Level Up | Evolve | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Water 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 |
Fire 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 |
Earth 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 |
Light 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 |
Dark 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 |